「みのたけ」の 教育・投資・生活etc


What is Social Success?



What is Social Success?

In general, it means to get wealth, status and honor?

Then, should teachers educate children to become socially successful person?

Someone uses the word Human Success as an opposite concept of social success, but I don't consider it here because it feels unsuitable.

There is an another idea, success in life. I change this success in life to Personal Success as pair concept of Social Success.

Social Success and Personal Success. It could be pair concept words.

So what is Personal Success?

Social Success is based on the success criteria of having relative indicators of wealth, status, and honor. Personal Success is based on self perspective (absolute criteria from one's self point of view).

Even if you don't have wealth, status or honor, you can be successful when you feel it's interesting, good, happy.

Education (all information, not just school education) is actually the way of brainwashing, so I think it is possible to nurture personally successful person through education on a national scale.

At present, it is religion that is being for the development of personally successful person.

After all, teachers who are not priests are working for growing socially successful person. In other words, teachers duty is to provide efficient ways to get wealth, status, and honor

Well. It's not interesting for me...

In the future, I would like to be the Guru (making my new religion), not an teacher but as an educator.